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Alexander Golob Commissioned to Create Interactive Snapchat Installation at Peabody Essex Museum’s Free Summer Block Party

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Salem, MA. (July 6, 2017) – Emerging artist Alexander Golob invites visitors to the Peabody Essex Museum’s #HistoricHouseCrush Block Party to add their creative mark to an interactive artwork, #TheSnapGallery, on Thursday, July 20 from 6 to 9 pm. The block party shows off the museum’s collection of notable residencies and will feature ska music, free ice cream, and seasonal brews in the beer garden.

Participants will help Golob complete a large mural composed of hundreds of individual snapchats centered around the theme of home. By adding their compositions to the snaps with markers, visitors will bridge image-making techniques and traditions with digital age content creation. This interactive project also demonstrates how everyone can be an artist, especially when combining efforts into something larger than a single person, like a community art installation.

#TheSnapGallery will be Golob’s first museum collaboration, and he is excited to share his creation with the Peabody Essex’s fantastic visitors.

Golob will be accepting snap submissions to be included in the installation through his Instagram and Facebook pages (@AlexanderGolobArt) and through email (alexandergolobart@gmail.com). He and the Peabody Essex are specifically looking for images having to do with the theme of home, whatever that may mean to different individuals. The most creative submission will win a Golob Art t-shirt screen printed by the artist.

About Golob Art

In 2016, Golob founded Golob Art with the purpose of creating engaging artworks that provoke thought in the public, lift its viewers, and transform physical space. The studio has worked with several non-profits, communities, and companies, including Boston University (7 works), the South Middlesex Opportunity Council (3 works), and various restaurants in the Greater Boston Area.

At 23 years old, Golob has over a dozen works of public art on view around the Greater Boston Area. His artworks aim to engage the communities that host them by forging spaces of contemplation and conversation.

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